Ed Tech Days Agenda and Information
Learn more about the workshop sessions offered during Ed Tech Days
Table of Contents

One New Thing
We see you.
We know that you are overwhelmed with information. There's a lot of educational technology out there and it is hard to know where to start. At this year's Ed Tech Days, we invite you to learn ONE NEW THING. If you are interested in trying something new with your students this year, we would love to support you. Check out the agenda below and join us in-person (room K203) or online (see links in agenda) to learn ONE NEW THING. Each session will offer a brief explanation and hands-on support with the tool.
Agenda at a Glance
Day 1:Level Up Your ContentJune 13 |
Day 2:Level Up Your ActivitiesJune 14 |
Day 3:Level Up Your AssessmentsJune 15 |
Session 1 10-10:45 |
Make Blackboard Pretty with Canva Images |
OneDrive and Blackboard Groups |
Blackboard Assessments- BB Team |
Session 2 11-11:45 |
Learn to create your own screencasts with Intro to Screenpal |
Increase student engagement with Intro Poll Everywhere |
Add to your academic integrity toolbox with Intro to Turnitin |
Session 3 12-12:45 |
Level up your Screenpal skills with Advanced Screenpal |
In-person VR Demos from 12-2 in room K203 (no online option available) |
Create exit tickets, polls, and more with Intro to MS Forms |
Session 4 2-2:45 |
Design your content with style with Intro to MS Sway |
Build engaging course interactives with Intro to H5P |
Turn Word tests into Blackboard tests with Akindi Importer |
Session 5 3-3:45 |
Jazz up your Powerpoint slides with Make your PPT Pretty |
Build creative discussions with Intro to Flip |
Make your work easier and more efficient with Qwickly Course Tools |
Session 6 4:00-4:45 |
Ask your burning questions during this drop-in session |
Ask your burning questions during this drop-in session |
Ask your burning questions during this drop-in session |
Ed Tech Tool Info
Can't decide which sessions to attend? Click on the panels below to learn more about each tool.
Day 1: Screenpal (intro and advanced)

ScreenPal is a screen recording and image capture software designed to cover all your video recording needs. It is an excellent tool to give learners asynchronous access to content such as:
- Lectures and tutorials
- PowerPoint presentations
- Web Content
- Assignment overview
- Announcements
Join our Screenpal session on June 13 at 11 and an advanced Screenpal session at 12.r students
Day 1: MS Sway

Microsoft Sway is a tool you can use to add style, design, and media to a large piece of text. Do you have a big ‘wall of text’ in your Blackboard shell that could use some style? Use Sway to break up that content into meaningful, engaging chunks for your students.
Join us for an MS Sway session on June 13 at 2pm.
Day 1: Make Your Powerpoint Pretty

We all know and love PowerPoint, but maybe it is time to freshen up those slides a bit? Join this session to learn some tips and tricks for making your PowerPoint slides more stylish and engaging to read.
Join us on June 13 at 3pm.
Day 2: Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is an online polling tool that allows students to be active and engaged in lectures, discussions, and activities. Instructors can build questions or interactives such as multiple choice, word clouds, surveys, and more. Poll Everywhere is commonly used for:
- Warm-up activities
- Gauging interest or emotion
- Low-stakes quizzing/consolidation
- Surveying previous knowledge/experience
Join us on June 14 at 11am to learn more about building a Poll Everywhere activity in your course.
Day 2: Intro to H5P

H5P is a tool you can use to create, share, and reuse interactives such as flashcards, interactive videos, accordion panels, and more. H5P interactives are an excellent way to get students to engage with content and consolidate their learning. H5P interactives are commonly used for:
- Warm-up activities
- Alternative syllabus
- Content sharing
- Low-stakes quizzing/consolidation
Join us on June 14 at 2pm to learn more about using H5P in your course.
Day 2: Flip

Flip is a video discussion tool that you can use as an alternative to discussion boards or PowerPoint presentations. Use Flip to post topics for discussion and create engagement with videos, stickers, images, and more. Students can use Flip to get creative with their responses or presentations, and they can comment and ‘like’ peer submissions. Flip is commonly used for:
- Welcome discussions and warm-up activities
- Collaborative brainstorming
- Presentations and idea sharing
- Practicing constructive peer feedback
Join us on June 14 at 3pm to learn more about using Flip in your course.
Day 3: Turnitin

Turnitin can be used to enhance your academic integrity toolbox. Use Turnitin's similarity reports to navigate tricky scenarios of potentially copied text and determine if accurate citations and references have been added. Then, follow up with students using Turnitin's Feedback Studio for customized feedback.
Join us for an Intro to Turnitin on June 15 at 11am.
Day 3: MS Forms

Use MS Forms to create surveys, quizzes, polls, and exit tickets.
Join us on June 15 at 12pm to learn how to use MS Forms in your course.
Day 3: Akindi

Akindi is a web-based assessment tool used for the creation and grading of multiple-choice exams. Faculty can create online and paper-based assessments within Akindi, or use the Akindi importer- a feature that converts MS Word file exams into Blackboard-ready tests!
Join our Akindi representative, Christa Plumley, for an intro to Akindi session on June 15 at 2 pm.
Day 3: Qwickly

Qwickly is a Blackboard tool you can use to be more efficient with course development and class communication. Want to send the same announcement to all 4 of your courses at the same time? Want to check all your course links in one easy spot? Qwickly can do that and more.
Join us on June 15 at 3pm to learn how Qwickly can make your teaching life easier!