Ultra Content Editor
Discover how to create beautiful content with an easy-to-use editor with features.
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Throughout the Blackboard Ultra course environment, you will find the Editor Tool. This WSYIWIG tool (pronounced "wizzy-wig" and short for 'what you see is what you get') allows you to create and format text and add images, files, equations, links, and tables. It can be found when creating assignments, content, discussions, and is also available to students when completing online assessments.

💡️ Best Practice Tips
The following suggestions are offered as guidelines, not rules. Use your judgement if you feel your situation is unique and requires a different approach or reach out to a member of the CTL Team to explore options with you.
Text style tags
Use the Text Style feature to define header tags. This supports students who rely on screen readers and similar supportive technology by using standardized code that these programs understand. It also makes consistent formatting easy as each style level will add its own formatting automatically.
Table use
Minimize your use of tables. A common practice in Blackboard Original was to create and format tables to force material to align in specific layouts. To support mobile browsing, tables cannot be adjusted to columns of different widths. Consider limiting your use of tables for sorting data and tabular information. If your content needs to be presented in a table, consider using a linked or embedded file instead.
Landscape images
Choose landscape when possible. This limits the amount of vertical scrolling students must perform to access pieces of text. Vertical or portrait images can take up most or all of a screen before the next piece of content is available. The Canva templates we've made available are an effective way to create your own images for this purpose. You can find that support article here.
📄 Additional Resources
For a full list of all features, please visit What does the editor do?