Create a recurring Microsoft Teams meeting for online meetings and classes
Table of Contents
Estimated time to read: 4.5 minutes
Microsoft Teams is Georgian College's supported virtual meeting platform. This resource will cover how to:
- schedule a meeting
- remove occurrences you don't need
- share your meeting link with students
There are a few reasons you might need to set up a recurring Microsoft Teams meeting, which may include:
- you are teaching an online synchronous course
- you are teaching a hybrid course with an online synchronous component
- you are teaching a dual sync course
- you have virtual office hours at the same time each week
GC Flex
If you are teaching a GC Flex course, a Class Team will be created for you by IT. If you plan to use that space in your teaching, you can schedule your meeting in that Class Team space. Please see Before your first GC Flex class for details.
If you do not plan to use the Class Team space, you can schedule your recurring meeting as described in this article instead.
Schedule a meeting
Open Microsoft Teams (the desktop application is recommended - you can download it here: Download Microsoft Teams)
Select Calendar from the menu on the left-hand side.
Click + New Meeting.
Fill in the meeting details:
- Suggested title: Course code, title, section, CRN.
- You do not have to add your students as attendees, but you can if you want to send a direct invite to their email.
- Enter the date and time of the first class.
- Set the recurrence. Click on the dropdown arrow beside “Does not repeat” and choose “Weekly”. Enter the end date and click Save. If your meeting does not repeat, you can skip this step.
- You can leave the location field blank (unless you are teaching dual sync or GC Flex).
- Add a description if you would like.
- To avoid needing to “admit” students to the meeting who haven't logged in with their Georgian credentials and how joined the meeting as a guest, you can change the “Who can bypass the lobby?” setting to “Everyone”.
- If you’d like to customize some of the settings of your meeting, click More options. You can learn about what options are available at Meeting options in Microsoft Teams.
- When the meeting details and settings are as you would like, click Save.
Remove occurrences you don't need
In your Microsoft Teams calendar, locate the occurrence you want to delete (for example, study week). Click on the meeting block. Choose Edit, and then Edit occurrence.
Click Delete, and then Delete occurrence.
Confirm that you would like to delete this occurrence by clicking Delete occurrence once more from the popup window.
It may take a moment for the occurrence to disappear from your calendar.
Share the meeting link with students
Copy the meeting link
To copy the link for the meeting to share with your students, return to your Teams calendar and find the first scheduled class. Click on it, and then on the little double rectangle icon beside the URL. The link is now copied for you to paste it in Blackboard, an email, etc.
Add the meeting link to your Blackboard calendar
Open the calendar in your Blackboard course, and then click the + icon found near the top right-hand corner. Choose Edit Course Schedule.
Click the + icon beside "Add the times this course or organization meets".
The Nickname field will be pre-populated, but you can revise it if needed. Choose the start date, indicate how often it should occur and when the recurrence should end, and put the URL for your meeting in the Location field. Click Save.
You can remove the session that occurs over study week by finding that date in the Blackboard calendar, clicking on that occurrence, and then the little trash can icon in the top right-hand corner. UNCHECK "Delete all events in the series" before clicking Delete.
Your students will now have access to the meeting link in their Blackboard calendar, as well as within the course.
If you have any questions about Microsoft Teams, or anything else ed tech related, please contact us at!