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Explanation File management is important and we want to be cognizant of our digital footprint. All courses, LIVE and PREPU, in Blackboard Ultra have a limit to the amount of content that can be uploaded to the shell. The institutional setting for all courses* and shells*, is 1GB or 1000MB. (The term “course” is used for LIVE and the term “shell” is
Introduction Blackboard Ultra likes to keep you informed! To do so, the Blackboard system has few ways to notify you of any important information. As a faculty member, you have some control over what is shown in your Activity Stream, and how you receive Email and “push” notifications. These settings can help you take control over what type of not
Introduction The document is probably the most widely used and versatile function of content creation in Blackboard Ultra. Document files can hold text, uploaded Word files, PDFs, PowerPoints, links to websites, and embedded videos. Document files can also help you and your students focus on specific content, provide instructions for assignments us
Introduction Moving content around within your course will help you and your students stay organized. There are two ways to move content. Click and Drag Keyboard (Tab, Enter, Arrows) 🖥️ Video Tutorial 🗺️ Text Instructions Click, Drag, and Drop Method: Identify the item (assignment, test, file, folder, module) in your course that you wish to move
Introduction The Peer Review feature is a great way for faculty to include students in the assessment process. Pedagogically speaking, requesting students to complete peer reviews act as an assessment “AS” learning and encourages students to critically think about and analyze what they are reading. To add this feature to your course assessments in
Introduction The beginning of any semester can be a stressful time for both students and faculty alike but being prepared is the best strategy for success. This article is geared to reminding faculty that they must make their course available on Blackboard Ultra before students can start to interact within the LIVE course. The video below will pro
Introduction Reusing previously created course content and assessments is a great way to save time when starting another semester. Having a working PREP shell is really helpful for maintaining courses that you have designed in the past and intend to utilize again in the future. In Blackboard Ultra the copy process can be as simple as the few-click
Introduction The Course Messages tool is an integrated feature that you will find throughout your course to facilitate communication between you and your students. You can ask questions and share your information with one person, multiple people, or the whole class. Sending messages through Blackboard is a similar process to sending a group email, h
Introduction Using research reports, journal articles, magazines, websites, and other sources of information is an effective way to supplement course content with different perspectives and ideas. Perusall is a tool that shares content and encourages students to work and learn together. Utilizing the Perusall learning technology “increases engageme
Introduction Designing and organizing course content does have a subjective approach. In Blackboard Ultra there is a hierarchy of content compartments that are useful for creating an accessible, straightforward, and aesthetically pleasing organization structure. Please review the links below for more information on the types of content containers
Introduction The “Activity Stream” is a tab located to the left when you log into Blackboard. This menu option allows you and students to view notifications regarding any activity in enrolled courses. Information on announcements, new assignments, due dates, grades and feedback received are all available for quick access and is organized according
Introduction Turnitin is a useful tool for assessing academic integrity in your course. When an assignment is created using Turnitin, a new assessment link to the Gradebook will be created. Instructors can view and grade assignments directly through the Turnitin LTI. However, there are some limitations when it comes to grading assignments through
Introduction To start the process of generating question banks you must first create a “Document” file and input some course content. This step would be similar to providing course content for your students. Remember, the content must be in text form. The AI will not read attached PowerPoints, PDFs or Word Documents. If you have files utilizing