Using publisher test questions in Blackboard Ultra
Step-by-step instructions for using textbook publisher test questions in Blackboard Ultra.
Table of Contents
Many textbook publishers provide test questions along with a teaching copy of the book. If you are heavily reliant on the textbook content for your course, publisher created questions can be an incredible time saver. Textbook publisher questions are most often multiple choice or true/false. We highly recommend reviewing the questions to ensure they are appropriate for the level of your course, and also to check for any errors! This article outlines the process for creating a question bank using textbook publisher questions.
🗺️ Text Instructions
Download the publisher question files to your own computer. They will likely download as a zipped (compressed) file, and you will need to “unzip” that file to be able to use the test questions. Right-click on the zipped file and select Extract All. Choose where you want the files to be saved, and then click Extract.

In your Blackboard Ultra course, choose Manage banks from the left-hand side menu.

On the Question Banks screen, click on the purple + icon and choose Import from File.

Select the files to import. You can select more than one file at a time. Click Open.

The questions are now available in the Question Bank. You can click on the name of a question set to review and edit individual questions.

To edit an individual question, click on the three dots icon beside the question and choose Edit.

To create a test, in your Blackboard Ultra course click on the purple + icon and select Create.

From the right-hand menu, choose Test.

Click on the purple + icon and choose Add Question Pool.

Select which questions to use for your test, and then click Add Questions.

Edit the test settings and availability to students as needed, and then click Save.

📄 Additional Resources
Blackboard Ultra Question Banks - Blackboard Support [New Tab]
Copying question banks (formerly "pools") into your Ultra course - CTL Knowledge Base [New Tab]
Create Tests - Blackboard Support [New Tab]