Teaching Excellence Awards 2024
Description and nomination procress
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Teaching Excellence Awards 2024
The TEACHING EXCELLENCE AWARD recognizes innovative and creative teaching approaches of our inspirational educators at Georgian College. The award celebrates Georgian peers, or teams, who:
- Demonstrate a commitment to excellence in their teaching practice and in facilitating student learning; or supporting teachers and teaching excellence; and
- Inspire the larger teaching and learning community at Georgian College through sharing of practice, mentoring, or otherwise providing support to colleagues.

Georgian educators regularly exemplify excellence in teaching and embody the competencies associated with the Georgian College Innovative Teaching Competency Framework [new tab] (visit the Academic Plan [new tab] for more information).
The Teaching Excellence Award celebrates educators who strive to grow their practice in these competencies and, in so doing, offer students learning experiences that honour student diversity, respect student needs, support student success and contribute to a culture of belonging at Georgian.
We have amazing peers who should be celebrated. As you submit your nomination, please express how your nominee aligns with one or more of the roles of faculty as described in the Georgian Faculty Competency Framework [new tab].
Eligibility and Process
- All college professors, librarians, technologists and counsellors are eligible for these awards. Consideration may be given to members of the College community who have demonstrated extraordinary levels of support to teaching and learning at Georgian. The nominator must be Georgian College faculty, administration, or support staff member.
- Each award will have no monetary value.
- Past recipients of a Teaching Excellence Award are not eligible for nomination for the next five (5) years.
- Nomination submissions can be completed by using the online form [new tab] and should include the following sections:
- Nominee information
- Description of the nominee’s teaching practices and impact on the larger teaching and learning community at Georgian College based on the criteria noted above – please directly align to the competencies, and
- Supporting evidence, in the form of at least three testimonials from three different people (i.e., colleague, manager, community member, past student) describing and supporting the nominee’s exemplary demonstration of award criteria.
- Select members of the CTL and the Teaching Excellence Committee (TEC) will independently review the submissions and rank the nominees. The recommended award winners will be determined from these rankings.

We'd love your help celebrating awesomeness!
Please consider nominating an inspiring colleague today. Winners of the TEACHING EXCELLENCE AWARDS will be recognized at the annual Focus on Teaching and Learning Conference [new tab] on May 2-3, 2024.
Visit Focus on Teaching Conference - Georgian College [new tab] for list of past award winners.
Nominations are due by April 15, 2024, at 4:00pm
If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Mitchell-Ashley or Samantha Sullivan Sauer in the Centre for Teaching and Learning.
Thank you for supporting teaching excellence @ Georgian College!
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